Hello Beautiful Soul,
Does Your Life Feel Confusing or Chaotic?
Or A Little Too Much Like a Roller Coaster?
With Way Too Many Ups and Downs?
The 'Quickening' That Is Taking Place on Our Planet Right Now Is Making the Natural Pulsations Of Our Lives Feel Bigger -- And Less Manageable.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If You Could Fully Understand the Orderly Way These Pulsations Unfold In Your Life?
And, Wouldn’t It Be Great to Know WHEN Your Life Cycles Were Expanding and Contracting?
Now You Can!
The Chakra Life Cycle System Shows You the Underlying Energies That Shape Each Year of Your Life -- AND How They Relate To Your Personal Destiny.
When You Learn to Consciously Tap Into Your Chakra Life Cycles, You Can Make the MOST of Your Life With the LEAST Amount of Effort.
Join Vicki Howie For One of Her Special Chakra Life Cycle Programs and Discover How to Dance With Your Cycles and Create a Masterful Life!

'Your Roadmap to Life Mastery: Discover the 7-Year Cycles That Shape Your Life' eBook

You'll get a private copy (PDF and Kindle) of my new ebook: Your Roadmap to Life Mastery: Discover the 7-Year Cycles That Shape Your Life. This transformational, cutting-edge book that shows you how to:
- Understand Your Chakras in a New, More Embodied and Empowered Way
- Work with Your Body’s Masculine and Feminine Energies to Create More Inner Harmony & Balance
- Use the Chakra Life Cycle System (CLCS) to Make the Most Out of Every Year of Your Life
- Leverage Your Understanding of the CLCS to Improve All Your Relationships
- Tap into Your ‘Destiny Cycles’ by Merging Numerology and the CLCS
- Masterfully Navigate Your True Midlife ‘Crisis’ to Make It Your Midlife Opportunity!
- Discover the SINGLE Most Potent Year for Healing Early Childhood Trauma (for You or Others)
Vicki’s ‘Your Roadmap to Life Mastery: Discover the 7-Year Cycles That Shape Your Life’ is an elegant and practical guide to mining the gold within us in a unique and exciting way. Her Chakra Life Cycle System shines a whole new light on how we all energetically evolve, and shows us how we can live from a place of deep connection with the natural ‘seasons of our soul.’ Read it, work it, and live your life at a whole new level!” ~ Derek Rydall, #1 Best-Selling Author, Emergence & The Abundance Project
Derek Rydall LawOfEmergence.com

16-Part World Video Tour Through Your Chakra Life Cycles

This 3 hour+ video course is easy and interesting to watch, because it’s divided into 16 short videos (that average 13 minutes length) – one for each Chakra Life Cycle, plus an introduction and a transition-year video. And they’re shot in beautiful international locations like Istanbul, Paris, Monte Carlo, Nice, Dubrovnik, Netherlands, Brussels, Greece, Sedona, Grand Canyon, and more. All of the locations were chosen for their energetic alignment with the Chakra Life Cycle filmed there.
Here's what's covered on each video:
- Introduction to the Chakra Life Cycle System (Grand Canyon, Arizona)
- CLC #1 ~ Ages 1 - 7 (Sedona, AZ)
- CLC #2 ~ Ages 8 - 14 (Denver, CO). Here's a short excerpt:
- CLC #3 ~ Ages 15 - 21 (Cannes, France)
- CLC #4 ~ Ages 22 - 28 (Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, France)
- CLC #5 ~ Ages 29 - 35 (Katakolon, Greece)
- CLC #6 ~ Ages 36- 42 (Monte Carlo, Monaco). Here's a short excerpt:
- CLC # 7 ~ Ages 43 - 49 (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Mid-Life Transition ~ Age 50 (Normandy, France)
- CLC #8 ~ Ages 51 - 57 (Cagne-Sur-Mer, France)
- CLC #9 ~ Ages 58 - 64 (Port Grimaud, France)
- CLC #10 ~ Ages 65 - 71 (Eiffel Tower, Paris, France)
- CLC #11 ~ Ages 72 - 78 (Hemrick, Netherlands)
- CLC #12 ~ Ages 79 - 85 (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Here's a short excerpt:
- CLC #13 ~ Ages 86 - 92 (Brussels, Belgium)
- CLC #14 ~ Ages 93 - 99 (Nice, France)
” I’ve been teaching about energy, healing, meditation, higher consciousness and chakras for over two decades and I have to say, Vicki Howie’s contributions to this field are truly revolutionary and astounding. Her Chakra Life Cycle System is essential knowledge for anyone seeking to understand more about themselves — and about life, and her awesome Chakra Booster Healing Tattoos really do give an energy boost.”
Sage Kingsley-Goddard The Prosperous Goddess